Point Nepean Final Master Plan

23 Jan 2018 1:48 PM – Launch by State Minister

The Nepean Conservation Group welcomes the launch of the Final Master Plan for Point Nepean National Park. The NCG is pleased that $3.7 m has been allocated for a number of initiatives, including $2m for the upgrading of the Quarantine disinfecting complex, and $600k for park-wide interpretation and storytelling. An Advisory Group is to be established, though details are unknown at this stage.

The NCG now looks forward to the implementation of these initiatives and to working with PV and DELWP to ensure authentic visitor experiences in this iconic natural and cultural landscape, and to ensuring that PNNP is protected and conserved for all Victorians into the future.

The launch should have been a time for the community to come together to celebrate. While the NCG notes that community information sessions have been proposed over February, it was extremely disappointing that the community, which has fought for so long for PNNP, was not invited to the Ministerial launch today.

The NCG looks forward to reading the final document distributed today, and to commenting further, and holding PV and the government to account.

Photo – Left to right: Associate Professor Ursula de Jong, NCG President; the Hon Lily D’Ambrosio, MP; Chris Hardiman, Executive Director of Parks Victoria and Matthew Jackson, CEO, Parks Victoria, standing on the site of the proposed future camping area in PNNP.

See also article in “The Age” : http://www.theage.com.au/environment/conservation/environmentalists-welcome-point-nepean-plan-as-victory-over-developers-20180121-p4yyov.html